Thu, Sep 19 2024 – Thu, Sep 18 2025
1 Year

Thanks for your interest in Melrose Family Room membership!

If you would like to join our membership waitlist, please click the "Register" button above to complete waitlist registration.

Waitlist Q&A

How many membership slots are available each year?

The Melrose Family Room has approximately 90 full member slots each member year. Membership is annual, and all membership terms begin September 1 and run until the last day of the following August. It is hard to say how many slots may be available in a given year; it depends on how many families decide not to renew their membership as their children age out of the room, if they move away from the area, or other circumstances.

When will I hear back from you on whether I'll get a membership spot next membership term?

We process our membership waitlist each spring for new memberships starting the following September. The list is processed in consecutive order, from the earliest waitlist signup to the most recent, and the full process may take several weeks to complete. We start reaching out to waitlist registrants in the spring. We will reach out to you as we process our waitlist to make sure that you're still interested in membership and so that you'll know your status. If a slot is available, we'll follow up and formally offer you a slot.

Do I need to pay a registration fee?

Adding your name to our waitlist is not a financial obligation to pay for membership - you will only owe a membership fee if you accept membership when it is offered as we process the waitlist.

What if I have more questions?

If you have any questions in the meantime, please feel free to contact us at president@melrosefamilyroom.org.